The Qualities of a Good Yoga Teacher Training

At MLC we honor the fact that Yoga is not just a physical practice; it's a holistic journey that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit. To guide others on this transformative path, one needs more than just knowledge of yoga postures. Over the course of each year we offer in depth programs on everything from breathwork to asanas to philosophy. A good yoga teacher training program is instrumental in shaping effective yoga instructors who can help their students flourish on this profound expedition. So, what are the qualities that make a yoga teacher training program exceptional? Let's explore them.

1. Experienced and Knowledgeable Instructors: A great yoga teacher training program is led by experienced and highly knowledgeable instructors. These teachers should have a deep understanding of yoga philosophy, anatomy, alignment, and various yoga styles. Their wisdom and expertise will not only help trainees grasp the essence of yoga but also inspire them to dive deeper into the practice.

2. Comprehensive Curriculum: A robust curriculum is vital for a yoga teacher training program. It should cover a wide range of topics, including asanas (postures), pranayama (breath control), meditation, philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methodology. A balanced curriculum ensures that trainees receive a well-rounded education and are prepared to teach yoga effectively.

3. Emphasis on Yoga Philosophy: Yoga is not just physical exercise; it's a way of life rooted in ancient philosophy. A good program places significant importance on teaching yoga philosophy, ethics, and history. This knowledge helps trainees connect with the spiritual aspects of yoga and impart its true essence to their students.

4. Practical Teaching Experience: The opportunity to practice teaching is crucial for becoming a proficient yoga instructor. A quality teacher training program provides ample opportunities for trainees to lead classes, receive constructive feedback, and refine their teaching skills. This hands-on experience is invaluable in building confidence and competence.

5. Personal Transformation: Yoga is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. A great teacher training program should encourage trainees to explore their own practice deeply, fostering personal transformation. This not only enhances their teaching abilities but also makes them better role models for their students.

6. Supportive Learning Environment: A nurturing and inclusive learning environment is essential for trainees to thrive. A good program fosters a sense of community, encourages open dialogue, and supports trainees in their individual journeys. A strong support system helps trainees overcome challenges and build lasting connections with their fellow yogis.

7. Adaptability and Diversity: Yoga is a diverse and evolving practice. A quality teacher training program should embrace this diversity and expose trainees to various yoga styles and traditions. This adaptability ensures that graduates can cater to the unique needs and preferences of their future students.

8. Certification and Accreditation: Upon completion of the training, graduates should receive a recognized certification that qualifies them to teach yoga. It's essential that the program is accredited by reputable yoga organizations, ensuring that the training meets industry standards.

9. Continued Learning Opportunities: Yoga is a lifelong journey of learning and growth. A good program should inspire graduates to continue their education through workshops, advanced trainings, and self-study. This commitment to ongoing learning ensures that teachers stay current and continue to evolve in their practice.

In conclusion, a good yoga teacher training program goes beyond teaching physical postures; it instills a deep understanding of yoga philosophy, fosters personal growth, and equips trainees with the skills to guide others on their yoga journey. When seeking a yoga teacher training program, look for these qualities to ensure a rich and transformative learning experience. Remember, becoming a yoga teacher is not just about teaching yoga; it's about sharing the gift of holistic well-being with others.

We’re excited to be included in the Yogi Times listing of top yoga intensives. Check out their site here: YOGI TIMES. Make sure to check out the intensives section of our website and email us at if you want to join one of our programs.


Body is not stiff, Mind is stiff